Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sue and Subtitles

Each February in Portland is met with flocks of anticipation-filled people waiting in the cold, usually entrenched in a book/periodical/other ostensibly high-brow reading material, lined up outside the old Portland Broadway Theatre, Arlene Schnitzer Hall or Portland Art Museum. The Portland International Film Festival is in town!

This year, I'm going with friend and foreign film aficionado Sue who, every year, maps out in meticulous fashion which films will and will likely not be available stateside. (By the way, Sue is the embodiment of mother-hen chic. Though not entirely an inaccurate caricature of her, I always imagine Sue with baguette in hand, crunch crunch, shawl draped dramatically around her shoulders. Maybe she's always cold? But I think in her previous life she was a French woman. ha.)

There are so many films from which to choose, and even random jaunts to the theatre at this time produce entertaining finds. My current list of go-sees:

French film "Shall We Kiss?"
I cannot resist any film with the promise of cheeky French humor.

Austrian film "Revanche"

Iranian film "Tehran Has No More Pomegranates"

source of all pictures: Portland International Film Fest

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